丈夫因素 The Husband Factor is the story of Efsun (30) who seeks true love and a romantic relationship rather than a husband. She is the black sheep of her peers and the women of her family who are programmed for marriage. She is seeking love yet she does not know what most girls know;一二三四免费观看在线中文版 how to strike an attitude,丈夫因素 or how to manipulate a man. Hence, she has not had a single steady relationship to date. The good news is that her family is dedicated to initiating Efsun into the intricacies of womanhood and ensuring that she gets hitched into the happily ever after. Efsun surrenders herself into the capable hands of these women. As they are getting ready to re-launch her, Efsun runs into her high school friend and former flame Sinan. He is the one, the boyfriend she was never able to get over or replace.他走向姜瑶,倾下身,裹挟着清爽的薄荷香味“反正姜小姐总会是我的,我不着急。”“爸,你为什么要死?你死了我怎么办?妈妈你怎么办?你死了,你的大宝贝就再也不是有人捧在手心里的小公主了,就再也没有人护着宠着你的大宝贝了。”“刚刚我打电话问过,他说还好。”乔慕白盘腿坐在沙发上,想到哥们说的话就压抑不住的狂笑起来“说药效太猛了,整个人有点虚。”这个休息室的里间,为了让客人休息居然一张床。虽然算不上豪华,可那床也足够大,足够舒适。
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