肉欲咖啡馆 In the future,肉欲咖啡馆 humans are divided into Sex Negatives and Sex Positives. The negatives get sick if they have sex so they go to Cafe Flesh to see positives who are forced to perform on stage for the negatives. Lana is a positive who everyone thinks is a negative and she m播播影院私人影院1ust decide whether to come clean or not.不远处,是一堆沙包,沙包上放着一个矿灯,勉强照亮十来米空间,几个汉子正坐在沙包旁,冷笑着扫了过来。班上的众人都用一种一样的眼光看着林天,有嫉妒的,有不屑的,但是唯独没有敬佩。“怎么还没去帮娘?”穆寒尘跑了一趟,再进来时看见许依依还傻站在屋里,顿时脸上有了几分不耐,“要是你反悔,现在还来得及。”就算你不吃不喝,一年的工资连我的一支口红都买不起,你拿什么对我负责?
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