演出之夜 Mr. Pest tries several theatre seats before winding up in front in a fight with the conductor. He is thrown out. In the lobby he pushes a fat lady into a fountain and returns to sit down by Edna. Mr. Rowdy,捆绑调教赵雪萍 in the gallery,演出之夜 pours beer down on Mr. Pest and Edna. He attacks patrons, a harem dancer, the singers Dot and Dash, and a fire-eater.从那时起,裴昭北就被养在了侯府,虽然定安侯下令要厚待他,可他毕竟是逆贼之子,府中人人对他均是避之不及。看着苏燃进去的背影艾佳气的牙痒痒, 她原本想让苏燃低声下气求她,现在竟然让她大摇大摆进去了。展涛找了一个安全的地方,迅速回城!如果开始在遇到盲僧之后选择往后逃跑,估计能够避开天音波的极限距离,也能迅速的逃跑。他听完之后却更加恼怒不已,别人一点嘲笑都受不了的话,那还怎么
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