海平面上升 A scientist builds a massive ark after his warnings of an Earth-destroying flood are ignored. But when it'草莓汁混着s水cs evident the disaster will occur,海平面上升 those who maligned the scientist now turn to him in desperation, boarding the ark and seeking his answers before the world drowns in a never ending sea.“孩子,我的孩子......”顾篱落眼泪不住地滑落,她扶着肚子,强忍着痛楚往前爬,想要去拿自己放在门口置物架上的手机。“嗯,这话哥哥可记住了。”叶瑞卿高兴地再次抱起了叶千娇,“走吧,咱们一起去母亲的锦华堂。”“啊啊啊啊——”两个衙差吓得命都没了一半,顿时尖叫起来,却不想躺在地上的那人咻的一下,一个翻身跳跃,窜到了旁边的树上。苏挽云冷冷一笑,接过了包袱,“不麻烦,谁让姐姐现在进不了宫了呢,妹妹定会借着能随意出入宫门之便,帮姐姐把东西交给皇上的。”
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