恐吓包裹2:火辣查德的复仇 Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge immediately follows the events of the original with the survivors attending the funeral of “Rad Chad” Buckley,学霸把草莓放学渣肚子里 which quickly devolves into an elaborate series of death traps centered around Chad’s favorite films,恐吓包裹2:火辣查德的复仇 forcing the guests to band together and use the rules of horror to survive the bloody game.“小气,你的苏大帅哥可是丽苏园的大少爷,就给我们吃过桥米线?不干,我们要去传说中的丽苏园搓一顿。”贝贝不干的叫嚣着。“军体拳强悍气势有了,可若是只求一味的凶猛,恐怕最多也只能做到一介武夫。”盘坐在地上,双眼紧闭,林云按照战神诀所传授的方法不断的吸收天地灵气来淬炼着自己的身体。“我要尽快练好御剑术才行,不然被人抓来抓去太丢份了。”他心里暗暗发誓。
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