床友 Uea是一个很私人的讨厌卡萨诺瓦的人,床友而King很聪明,前任和现任一块干自己是个卡萨诺瓦。King和Uea在同一个办公室工作,都是杰德最好的朋友。他们不喜欢对方,却因为某种原因开始有了特定的“关系”。~~改编自小贝拉96的小说。 Uea is a very private person who hates casanovas, while King is smart and is a casanova. King and Uea work in the same office and both are best friends with Jade. They don’t like each other but begin to have a particular "relation" for some reason. ~~ Adapted from a novel by littlebbear96.和以往的无数次一样,沈喻初最后被赶出来,在“楚馆”外面等了足足三个小时。她气得要死,恨不得立刻把沈雁秋给赶出去睡大街,把她卖给外头的野汉子!何生将载书机随手一丢,抓着李晓光的嘴,疯狂的抽起耳光来。苏老爷子明显是被妖或者其他不干净的东西缠上了。他是个天师不错,但不会道士的活啊!
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