死者的学园祭 80年前,死者的学园祭男的教畫畫、女的教彈琴,电影妈妈的朋友4在同一高中內二人靜靜地戀上。情事不能公開,男的只可在隔壁偷聽她的琴聲。一天鋼琴搬走了,男教師突然失蹤,女的便傷心而終。多年後,戲劇組女學生自殺身亡,沒留下遺書,餘下的竟是80年前女教師愛彈的那篇樂章!她的戲劇遺作中,又竟與十誡中的引言有關?怪事接踵而來,命案也離奇地相繼發生。更離奇的是每宗命案,都似乎與新來的男生有關…改編自日本暢銷過十億的「死者之學園祭」。 80 years in the past, an unfulfilled love between two teachers in Tezuka Academy tragically leads to mysterious death. Many years later, Yuko, a Drama club student, kills herself by jumping off the school rooftop, leaving no suicide note but a pieve of music that the dead music teacher who used to play. Yuki, the best friend of Yuko, decides to stage a play Yuko failed to finsish. but when Yuki begins to suspect that a quotation from the Old Testament in Yuko’s script is in fact a last message, tragedy strikes around her.没打算让姜成进门的张杏芝,在看到这种情况后不得不开门让姜成进来。“好,你们都先看看你们的资料吧。”雨粹从手将面前的四份档案扔给了他们四个“好,只是在得到她的心之前你不能强要她的人。”李文轩轻勾嘴角,眼睛里闪烁着势在必得的光辉。猛哥一看,顿时有了主心骨,可报警电话还没拨出去,就听到外面传来了声音。
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