天天好天 稻穗摇曳、风景怡人的大片稻草田中央竖立着一家充满温馨的老人院。可惜里头年纪最大的两位活宝贝——林丹(林耀明饰)和财叔(覃业水饰)总爱话当年、比较谁的孩子最有出息。身边的老人们都听得厌倦,野花韩国日本高清免费5甚至起义要他们拿出证据。于是两老决定秘密潜逃至吉隆坡寻找证据。可惜潜逃当晚,天天好天财叔因发生意外而无法与林丹一同偷上邻居阿福(林德荣饰)的罗里,搭顺风车去吉隆坡。 阿福的母亲由于腰伤而必须在吉隆坡求医,唯暂住表妹多好(尹汇雰饰)家。以卖煤气为生的阿福因此常常驾着残旧的罗里上吉隆坡探望母亲,却遇上正在潜逃的林丹,唯有无奈的顺便载他到吉隆坡。有次表妹为了替阿福霸车位却弄丢了患有老人痴呆的福妈。 抵达吉隆坡后的林丹经阿福协助找到财叔的儿子林效舜(颜江翰饰),却发现效舜原来是个虚伪的不孝子。同时林丹也发现自己的孩子林凤娇(卓卉勤饰)和林志颖(陈志康饰)并不如想象中那么风光,但依然与孩子共渡了愉快的一周,带着满足的心情回到玻璃市老人院。此时,林效舜竟然出现老人院,揭破一个大谎言…… Two fathers, Uncle Lim and Uncle Lam live in an old folks’ home. Uncle Lim is Hokkien while Uncle Lam is Cantonese. Apart from integral differences of different dialects (e.g. fighting over WLT and HHD), they always argue about whose children has done better and how filial piety they have been. While Uncle Lim thinks that he may have gotten cancer and don’t have much opportunities to see his children again, and aggravated by an argument, the two men decided to escape from the old folk’s home to find their children and bring back evidence so that the rest of their friends can judge whose children is better. While trying to escape, Uncle Lam hurt his leg leaving Uncle Lim to continue his journey alone......“调出四天前机场的监控,看他坐的是哪班航班,用的谁的名字,出来之后都去了什么地方,见过什么人,还有这些天的通话记录等。”“啊。”程天身上,血剑划过,饶是他身形变换不断,可是在这密集的风刃阵当中,依旧于事无补。只是看到他的五官,只要近距离闻着他的呼吸,我所有的心理建设都会轰然坍塌,我知道这不是好事,却无法阻止自己沉沦。“虽然现在来看线索断了,但还请诸位仔细想想,陈家人为什么没有抵抗就任人宰割呢?”
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