你口袋里有把枪吗? If there's one thing that the men of Rockford Texas love as much as their women,你口袋里有把枪吗? it's their guns. But when a gun incident at a neighborhood school spurs one stay at home mom,诱惑出击 Jenna (Andrea Anders), to rethink Rockford's obsessive gun culture, life in this idyllic town is turned upside-down. Much to the chagrin of her husband, (Matt Passmore), Jenna ignites a movement by recruiting the women to withhold sex from the men until every gun in Rockford is vanquished. A wild and hilarious showdown ensues between the sexes. As tensions and libidos rise, the men and women of Rockford must decide what's really important: keeping the peace or getting a piece.冷不丁的被人叫出名字,我一刹那有些恍惚,“你怎么知道我的名字?”姜晚意这莫名其妙的一句话听得钟伯一头雾水,以为她是故意捉弄自己,语气不太好“大小姐,我老婆她身体一直都很健朗,请您不要随便开玩笑。”跟一般的内劲不同,楚家所承的《圣医武典》中所修的内劲,不止可以强身健体,还可为人诊病!比斗擂台上,一个体型精瘦的男人正好被另一个肌肉虬结的男人一拳砸在头上。
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