演出之夜 Mr. Pest tries several theatre seats before winding up in front in a fight with the conductor. He is thrown out. In the lobby he pushes a fat lady into a fountain and returns to sit down by Edna. Mr. Rowdy,妈妈的朋友3中字 in the gallery,演出之夜 pours beer down on Mr. Pest and Edna. He attacks patrons, a harem dancer, the singers Dot and Dash, and a fire-eater.“也对,我跟你一起走吧,顺便去拜见一下太后。”说着,拍拍衣服,掸去身上的尘土。徐采儿自知理亏,但她可不会承认这是自己的错,于是反驳道“我还没说你呢,你家三楼是谁,居然敢推本姑娘,你们这是谋杀,谋杀知不知道!”苏辰只觉得有一股恐怖的寒气将自己笼罩,让他浑身冰冷,仿佛被一头史前巨兽盯住了一般。“小子,识相的就把嘴闭上,不然一会儿进了局子有你好受的。”旁边叫刘华的警察开口警告
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