类型: 电视剧 湖南省 2024-02-15
主演: 约翰·特拉沃尔塔 德博拉·温格
导演: 未知
Urban Cowboy is a 1980 American romantic drama film about the love-hate relationship between cowboy Bud Davis (John Travolta) and cowgirl Sissy (Debra Winger). The movie captured the late 1970s/early 1980s popularity of Country Music都市牛郎 with John Travolta'调教纪嫣然s starring after Grease and Saturday Night Fever.
Urban Cowboy is a 1980 American romantic drama film about the love-hate relationship between cowboy Bud Davis (John Travolta) and cowgirl Sissy (Debra Winger). The movie captured the late 1970s/early 1980s popularity of Country Music都市牛郎 with John Travolta'调教纪嫣然s starring after Grease and Saturday Night Fever.
小东西十分不羁,看向沈青黎的眼神宛如在看一只蝼蚁,根本不值得一提。“我说,”凤曦玥故意放慢了语速“论权利,皇叔权倾朝野,二皇子却连殿上听政的资格都要皇帝给了才有!”“哟,什么风把姐姐你吹来了?”林珊珊睡眼惺忪的开了门,看到是柳安宁后表情有些复杂。“Chun雨姑娘,我好心的提醒你,不要回阁楼!你们小姐已经死了,你现在去了,只是去送死而已!”Copyright © 2014-2024