Inang Wulan,最后的性与爱 a supermarket employee,Inang is abandoned by her irresponsible boyfriend after finding out about her early pregnancy. Wulan needs to take responsibility for herself and her unborn child. Wulan's desperation leads her to “Support Pregnancy” online group that claims as a pro-life volunteer. The group introduces Wulan to the wealthy Santoso family who wanted to adopt her unborn ...这几天是李泽最心烦的时候,本来因为月月和芳妃的事情,就已经令他心情很不好了。之后谁又能够想到,这大臣中参合芳家的人,居然变得越来越多。徐风华看到这一幕,冷汗当即流了下来,他不是傻子,这两个人可是他花了重金请来的职业保镖。洛天铭这么一说,就等于直接给人家定了罪,认定别人是抄袭剽窃的了。双眉紧紧拧在了一起,半晌,男人性感的薄唇才吐出一个字“滚。”
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