末日协议 An unprecedented pandemic has ravaged the planet,武则天殷桃 leaving resources insufficient to maintain the human population. To combat the crisis,末日协议 a totalitarian governing body known as The Bureau established "The Deal.” Accept The Deal, and you'll receive a job, housing, and medical care that will keep you safe and healthy for twenty more years, at which point you must take your own lif...这镜子拿在手里一点也不沉,但照出的人影却格外的清晰。镜中的那个人不过十三四岁的样子,长得黑黑的,留着和刚才那妇人一样的齐耳短发。小小的瓜子脸,睁着一双黑白分明的眼睛。好不容易让权王府的人都逃脱黑死病缠身的厄运,别其他地方又参与进来而且,这一切不都是她应该承受的吗?若不是她犯贱地招惹黎若,黎若怎么会出事躺在医院?换了是别人,或许他真的会用自己强硬的手段来堵住对方的嘴。这种事情,他真的做得出来。
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