全国仅剩最后两个男人,女人们都抢疯了#致命的女性 I saw this movie a long time ago when it was billed as "全国仅剩最后两个男人,女人们都抢疯了#致命的女性Femmes Fatales"卯月麻衣bt. I remember it as one of the most bizarrely amusing films I’ve ever seen. While perhaps not as sophisticated as Blier’s later efforts, as I remember, it had a crude power and was a scathing look at male/female relations: a kind of cinematic exploration of the male id done with great honesty and comic bravura. I wish I could see it again...but I’ve never seen it offerred anywhere.很多字句,尤其是每句话结尾两个字的音调都会往上挑,还总带个‘呀’字做语气助词,偶尔还有把平舌字说成翘舌的情况。“这个,师傅,咱能以后慢慢嫌弃吗?你徒弟我快玩完了,我要是完了,师傅你也得跟着挂掉的。”郝然不忘威胁兼提醒。南宫伊月一听,心道去医院更遭,又要花钱,这个月底还要支付下半年的房租呢。既然老天爷让她重生,她绝不会让景南乔重蹈上一世自己的覆辙!
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