三只盲鼠 Three Blind Mice Abi is going cold turkey,三只盲鼠 Three Blind Mice her family have taken her to a cabin in the woods so she is away from the city. However,小sb过来让我c little do they know, The Three Blind Mice is more than just a fairy tale.. And they may be next up on the menu.同学们听说孟瑶这么可爱的小女孩竟然嫁人了,全部唏嘘不已。可是见识了霍枫的英俊潇洒,且霸道总裁样十足,一群小姑娘就释怀了。他们纷纷打听关于孟青玖撇撇嘴,脑子里已经想好了无数个不去的理由,可转念一想,别人都去,她为什么不去?“对不起,对不起江小姐,是我有眼不识泰山。”徐浩立马弯着腰道歉,表面害怕,诚恳,但是叶少然看的出来,都是装的。皇上,林荞大喜,急急冲到宫门口扑通一跪。一群人已到跟前,嘉和帝是认得她的,问“惠贵妃要生了?不是还有两个月?”
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