类型: 香港电影 江西省 2024-10-29
主演: 未知
导演: 未知
Ansel Easton Adams (February 20,法国人与动zoz0z0z0 1902 – April 22,摄影大师:安塞尔·亚当斯 1984) was an American photographer and environmentalist, best known for his black-and-white photographs of the American West and primarily Yosemite National Park. For his images, he developed the zone system of photography, a way to calculate the proper exposure of a photograph. The resulting clarity and depth were characteristic of his photographs. His crystal clear images were also the result of his using the large format 810” film camera, which provided a maximum resolution, although it was among the most difficult cameras to use due to its large size, weight, set-up time, and film cost. However, it was typical of the lengths he would go to achieve his vision of perfection. He founded the Group f/64 along with fellow photographers Edward Weston and Imogen Cunningham, which was responsible for the founding of the Museum of Modern Art's department of photography. Adams' timeless and visually stunning photographs are constantly reproduced on calendars, posters, and in books, making his photographs widely recognizable. And as a result, his images are among the most significant and familiar contributions to the history of photography.
Ansel Easton Adams (February 20,法国人与动zoz0z0z0 1902 – April 22,摄影大师:安塞尔·亚当斯 1984) was an American photographer and environmentalist, best known for his black-and-white photographs of the American West and primarily Yosemite National Park. For his images, he developed the zone system of photography, a way to calculate the proper exposure of a photograph. The resulting clarity and depth were characteristic of his photographs. His crystal clear images were also the result of his using the large format 810” film camera, which provided a maximum resolution, although it was among the most difficult cameras to use due to its large size, weight, set-up time, and film cost. However, it was typical of the lengths he would go to achieve his vision of perfection. He founded the Group f/64 along with fellow photographers Edward Weston and Imogen Cunningham, which was responsible for the founding of the Museum of Modern Art's department of photography. Adams' timeless and visually stunning photographs are constantly reproduced on calendars, posters, and in books, making his photographs widely recognizable. And as a result, his images are among the most significant and familiar contributions to the history of photography.
还不等陈斯音反应过来,手腕处被人牢牢扣紧,在她猝不及防之下,整个人被拖拽着离开包厢。他的左眼下还有一颗很小的黑痣,为他美丽的脸增添了一份独特。一声巨响,江安宁的整张右脸都被大门上的装饰品划破,划出一道狰狞的血痕。全都是因为那个男人,害她白白损失了一颗红痣,简直是越想越气!Copyright © 2014-2024