摩斯探长第二季 Morse and Lewis investigate the death of Laura Poindexter,体育课被c了一节课 an American tourist who is part of an exclusive tour group visiting Oxford. Missing from her personal effects is her jewelry,摩斯探长第二季 including the Wolvercote Tongue which she was going to donate to the Ashmolean Museum. The pathologist determines that she died of natural causes, but Morse feels there’s something not quite right. The mystery deepens when Theodore Kemp, the Ashmolean’s expert on the Wolvercote Tongue, is found dead and Mrs. Poindexter’s husband goes missing.沈叶微急忙走过去,发现周泽正站在几个员工面前,薄唇抿成了一条直线。我没有多想,绑好了渔线和鱼钩,调好鱼漂,将事先准备好的蚯蚓钩好,拿着预感,四周看了看,发现没人后,穿进封锁线,来到岸边,将鱼饵丢入水中。满屋的药味、久不通风的霉味、炭火味,却也遮不住这淡淡的万花清香。“啊……”余宏才感觉自己整个人都不好了,整个人哆嗦了起来,他感觉自己要断子绝孙了。
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