小马宝莉 2019夏季特别篇 When Twilight Sparkle and her friends arrive in Hope Hollow,writeas木马 they find the town and all its residents completely devoid of color their dream vacation is starting to feel more like a nightmare. The Mane 6 will have to solve the mystery behind this washed-out world if they hope to bring the 'rainbow' back to the Rainbow Festival and color back to the lives of their 小马宝莉 2019夏季特别篇new friends.洛清渊站在大街上,面对芝草询问接下来该怎么办时,她有些不知所措。秦明月听了,就拿出来一个盒子,打开后,里面是十枚非常精致的点心,光看这包装还有点心的造型,就透着一个字儿,贵。“不过通天古卷是心法,是基础,其他东西你还是得跟我学,你放心,我会倾囊相授,因为你越强大,我才会恢复的越快。”然后在众目睽睽之下,跳下台,径直走到了封君钰身边,牵起了他的手。
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