床友 Uea是一个很私人的讨厌卡萨诺瓦的人,床友而King很聪明,芭乐app秋葵茄汁芒果在线观看是个卡萨诺瓦。King和Uea在同一个办公室工作,都是杰德最好的朋友。他们不喜欢对方,却因为某种原因开始有了特定的“关系”。~~改编自小贝拉96的小说。 Uea is a very private person who hates casanovas, while King is smart and is a casanova. King and Uea work in the same office and both are best friends with Jade. They don’t like each other but begin to have a particular "relation" for some reason. ~~ Adapted from a novel by littlebbear96.“就是,温老栓放着儿子孙子不要,招进个搅家精!”说话的大婶开始为温大勇打抱不平起来。但现在有了印记内的神秘能量,可以极速恢复精神体力,问题迎刃而解!正想问她要不要帮忙的时候,就见她将筷子狠狠一丢,然后挽起袖子,直接上了左手……一群人浩浩荡荡往村子西北角走去了,走出村子,往着李家村侧前方的石牛山走去
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