漫长的告别1971 It is a great film by a great director.Kira Muratova has never been given her due in the Soviet and post-Soviet Russia.In the Long Good Bye she depicts a seemingly banal story of a jealous and possessive mother (brilliantly acted by Zinaida Sharko) and her poor aloof and lonely son (the only cinematic role by the talented O. Vladimirsky). The story - which is nothing extraordinary in itself - grows into the wonderful and frightening analysis of alienation between genders and generations on the background of the even more frighteningly bleak and dehumanized Soviet reality.Kira Muratova shows the tiny details of everyday Soviet life,泷泽萝拉百度影音and,漫长的告别1971 again , banal as they are ,they are a hair-raising horror.The dialogue is deliberately laconic and void of any sense, showing the ever-growing people's inability to communicate and understand each other.The sound track ( by another under-estimated talent, Oleg Karavaichuk)adds to the atmosphere of hopeless and meaningless existence.Of course,Sasha (the name of the protagonist),will leave his despotic ( but loving!) mother sooner or later, but where for (c)上次未能凑近细看,离得近了,独孤焚才发现,岐冥根本不是实体,只是修为深厚,黑影太过凝实。要谢应该谢你自己,是老天爷看你这么可爱,不忍心把你收走。容衍推辞不过,只好戴上,依恋地靠在姐姐怀里。姚氏见姐弟二人相亲相爱,心中满是欣慰。强大的娱乐一体化商业管理模式为君氏赚取到了巨大的财富,成为帝国最富裕的豪门。他常年占据富豪榜第一,成为了一个传奇。
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