我的神烦腐妈 Maggie Cooper thinks it would be so cool if her son Lloyd were gay. So cool in fact that she signs him up for a college sch我的神烦腐妈olarship for gay kids,红桃视频免费看视频入口 sets him up on dates and then for good measure outs him to the entire school. And then Lloyd meets a girl.“我可以等!”宋映雪满含情意的望着他,一字一句,“外人都说你从未对苏尹月动心,甚至都不和她同睡一张榻,现在我回来了,我想和你……”跟我忏悔了,他说他不该帮你,他以为你就是一时好奇想看看孩子,没想到会有那么恶毒的心思……”说话间,眼泪簌簌落下。洛清萱的话还没说完,一个长相野性身材粗犷的男人立刻冷哼了一声。“小枝澜啊,你过来。”陶玉贤压下心里的狐疑,拉过墨枝澜冰凉的小手,轻声哄着,“你娘亲的命是保住了,可想要治好你娘亲,还需要一味血灵芝,不过你放心,外祖母一定会找到血灵芝的。”
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