着魔的丽莎 While visiting Toledo,着魔的丽莎 Spain,日文文本乱码高清 American tourist Lisa Reiner (Elke Sommer) experiences a feeling of deja vu when she sees an ancient mural of the Devil carrying away the dead. Hearing a familiar melody, she wanders away from her companions into a series of encounters with men who inexplicably recognize her from a past life. Hopelessly lost as night falls, Lisa begs a ride from a passing Packard, which breaks down outside a mansion where a young man (Alessio Orano) lives with his blind mother (Alida Valli) and a charming butler (Telly Savalas), who just happens to resemble the Devil from the mural! After a night of murder, necrophilia and horrific revelations, Lisa comes face-to-face with the secrets of her past identity and her connection to the bizarre rituals she has witnessed. This is the original Mario Bava film later reworked and reshot for American release as "The House of Exorcism."段珩眯眼,冷睨了顾皎皎片刻,嘴角忽而上扬笑了起来“本王只是想与王妃亲近亲近,可惜王妃不愿。本王不高兴,王妃总不能让本王憋着这口气吧?”杨邪愣愣的又看了两遍短信,这其中的信息量,让杨邪头疼不已,恶作剧or神迹?“染染,染染的……你是不是还想着那个贱货!”苏芬然生气地低吼一声,然后撒娇道,“谁敢不给你了。你是我抢来的,我就是怕你拿了合同就翻脸不认人了嘛!老爷子金口玉言的说了,那些都是给苏吃完了小龙虾两个人结了帐往外走,却正好看到一个穿着制服的交警,指挥着前方的拖车,把那辆*包到不行的明黄色法拉利车头吊起。
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