恶夜将临 Goro,writeas管教 a criminal mastermind,恶夜将临 plot to steal a massive cache of gold from the Rossini family. Unbeknownst to Goro and his soldiers of fortune, one of Rossini's guest is a highly m.ysgou.cc trained foreign operative who fights to not only save the hostages and the gold, but his imperiled family.滨海的沿海岸,一个较为偏僻沙滩岸边,一辆保时捷卡宴急停,黑夜中一个身影一瘸一拐的下车,然后从后排座像是拎死猪一样的拎出一个人扔在了沙滩上。却是他目光一转,看到紧跟而来坐在高天身边的李若冰时,瞬间双眼一缩,拿着酒瓶的手一个哆嗦,酒瓶被往上抛起。洛云锦心里某根神经一软,动了动嘴巴,想说些什么,终究还是没有说出口,就这么看着少年一步步的往门外爬去,留下一条长长的血印,直到他消失不见,大门再度合了起来。盯着他看了也不知道多久,那男人似乎是终于忍不住了,回头又瞪了我一眼,“别看我!”
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