2025: Blood, White & Blue In the year 2025,我的老师宋娜 the 45th President of the United States of America is back for his 2rd term in office and re-implements the Purge. With the 2nd Mexican border wall in the works,2025: Blood, White & Blue Homeland Security is cracking down on criminals to Make America Safe Again. Bill Wilson makes the bust of his career by taking down a member of the Mexican Drug Cartel and makes a small seizure of nar...宋天耀再没有任何犹豫,收起钱转身出了报道室,在他身后,胖督察继续叫道“下一个!”凤轻璃听的皱起了眉,照这账房先生的话来说,杏儿大概是凶多吉少了。可是,没有亲眼看见杏儿的尸体,凤轻璃不甘心。一听战争波及到了我,我立马缩了缩身子。同时心中恼怒,我的身体相当健康,在大学的时候甚至还是长跑冠军。你都不让我碰又怎么会怀孕?顾随看着她眉开眼笑的模样,知晓她是舍不得自己,不自觉笑开了。
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