女孩听到楼上传来诡异的敲击声,竟是邻居搞得事情!#层间声音 A noise is coming from the 女孩听到楼上传来诡异的敲击声,竟是邻居搞得事情!#层间声音floor upstairs. Eunsu,我和黑帮大佬的356第二部 hears this for over a month which causes uncontrollable anger to rise up. She gets eliminated again from a competition she had prepared for a long time. Eunsu decides to write her last piece with the theme of the noise between the floors and persuades her friend to help her follow and track the secret.看到这些,原本还在叫骂的酒客瞬间闭上了嘴巴,嘈杂喧嚣的天井也顷刻间沉寂了下来,寂静的可怕,让人感到压抑!但她刚刚喊完,睁眼看到眼前的一切时,那最后的声音忽地卡在了嗓子眼,呛得她猛地咳嗽起来,眼泪直流。没有一丝诧异,更没有丝毫窘迫,挑眉看着她,秦怀谨扯动薄唇,开口道“姜老师。”“哦,对了,那个教室,我不知道在哪,你还是别招呼她们了,送我去教室吧!!”雨蝶说。
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