世界之王 Five children aged between 11 and 17 who have been rejected by society leave town in search of their own "橙子色Kingdom"世界之王. They cross a mountain range, roads and rural landscapes, and are both victims and guilty parties on their journey. They steal and launch attacks but are also robbed and tortured in turn…傅青凝看清上面写着离婚协议书的文件,便往后退直到病床的尽头,她摇着头藏起自己的手拒绝着。玉子澈装作思考的样子“嗯?好像是挺好玩的,看在小五这么可爱的份上,快去快回哦!记着要在大哥冠礼的时候回来哦,不然你二哥我也替你们兜不住的。”话说完,蓝正东便笑着把他抱起,每经过一个房间,便要让他去开门看看有没有漂亮阿姨藏着。哦,没事!这位姑娘回复说道,接着转移了话题,说道,这位公子,您看我穿成这副模样,也不能带您去找叶姑娘啊,要不然的话,岂不是要耽误您的事情了吗?
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