相对的幸福 Plus sized and 30 years old,相对的幸福 LEXIE IVY is a feisty Bed and Breakfast owner who desperately needs a date to her sisters wedding. In small town Nova Scotia,未曾下雪的冬天(h)顾溪 thats no easy task, especially when the most eligible bachelor is JOSS, the rough handyman fixing her roof. When ADRIAN, a handsome and charming guest, arrives and seems to take an interest in Lexie, she thinks all her problems are solved. But she misreads the situation and is soon reeling, believing her romantic dream has slipped away, maybe forever. After a series of hilarious mishaps and a reality check or two, Lexie opens her heart and eyes to see that love may be a lot closer than she thought.“好了,水开了,不要再加柴了”灵诺看着烧开的水,让灵轩停止加柴。她忽然想起对陆晋原说过的就喜欢他冰块的话,他当时是不是也像她现在这么嫌弃?这装备熔炼炉排着队呢,前面至少还有几十号人,一时半会儿也轮不到他们。徐淼淼见陆嫣是真的不知道许盼阳,于是捏着电视广告里面的语调,尖声尖气说“有了小盼盼学习机,从此以后,我爱上了学习”
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