轮椅惊魂 Sometime in the near future,轮椅惊魂 paraplegic prison inmate Matt Mills meets "日本阿v免费1767The Board" of Satoshi-Telefair Industries, who thank him for joining the Program. Under pressure and with a promise to make him walk again, Mills agrees to volunteer. He is injected with a synthetic nanomaterial and suffocated, only to wake up with restored use of his legs, yet alone in a steel cell in the first spoke of an experimental apparatus - The Wheel. A series of assailants inflict a multitude of damage to Mills' body and torment his mind, yet the synthetic nanomaterial not only restores his damaged organs, it re-engineers his strength. The experiment might be designed to kill, but Mills is determined to survive - and get back to his daughter before The Board finds her first.祁斯微微弯腰,气息一瞬间离的近了,他从叶轻染手里拿过零食袋“我觉得挺重。”慕昭听着某貂的自言自语,不悦地拧起了眉,但她却没有下一步动作。然而不等她说完,男人竟然在众目睽睽之下将她一把揽入他的怀中。苏未翻了个白眼,似乎对这样的结果已经习以为常,还是叮嘱道,“别走VIP通道了,本来粉丝认不出你,你往那儿一站,认不出的也认出来了。”
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