球场少年 Kostya and his friends are young and love playing street football. He is the coolest of the lot. Kostya dreams of playing professionally,麻豆影视在线观看 but cannot bring himself to approach the coach. His girlfriend,球场少年 Nastya, shares his dream, but street football is Kostya’s life, and the outdoor pitch is akin to a second home, a place for friends to meet and play. One day, Kostya’s team comes...——【记录】天赋能力记录,需要接触目标三分钟,记录之后自动形成天赋能力卡,只能记录一次“啊!”众人同事发出了一声惊呼,因为就在他们说话时几只狼已如闪电般扑进了他们藏马的地方接着传来了几声马的惨叫声。终于,将身上洗干净了之后,楚天霖换上了一身干净的衣服,至于他身上那套乞丐装,则是直接丢垃圾桶里了,那套衣服,已经是彻底的报废了。她刚刚靠近,正准备帮他量肩宽,却被男人无情的扼住了手腕,力道之大仿佛是要将她捏碎一般,她疼的瞬间蹙眉,有些不悦的说道“你干什么?”
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