目的地:杜斯伯里 Back in the 80s,目的地:杜斯伯里 five friends cause raucous in their schooldays. Twenty years on and they've got jobs they don't want and wives who don't want them. The leader of the gang,老湿48xy Frankie, is now dying in Yorkshire. The others find out and they get together for one last sad, mad, bad road trip to Dewsbury, before it's all too late. Mix in a dollop of The Inbetweeners' intellectual wit, add a pinch of bromancing from The World's End, and then stir in a few ladles of The Hangover's vomit and you've got Destination: Dewsbury, destined to be one of 2018's funniest releases.苏浅心中一瑟,他笑的魅惑众生,让人眼花缭乱,沉迷于他的美色之中。周韦毅这时走了过来,“好了,叙旧的话,回去再慢慢说,先看尸体吧。”我的心脏怦怦直跳,不停地安慰着自己,只是个神经病,变态而已,光天化日的他还不敢对我做什么!个残废,他怎么能配得上你这种大美人,要钱没有,要能力也不行,还瘫在了床上,说句不好听的,你跟他结婚,还不如养条狗。”
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