我的妹妹2020 Brilliant playwright,我的妹妹2020 Lisa,池袋西口公园 no longer writes. She lives in Switzerland with her family but her heart has stayed in Berlin, beating to the rhythm of her brother's heart. The ties between the twins have grown stronger since Sven was diagnosed with an aggressive type of leukemia. He's a famous theater actor and Lisa refuses to accept his fate, moving heaven and earth to get him ba...“你瞎嘀咕什么呢,还不快点走,看不见前面有家客栈吗,我们先去那里歇会,明天一早在赶路,”林素馨没听清楚武天说什么,只是两眼放光的对着客栈的方向说道,那表情就像是见了亲爹一样。下课后不是在和雪雅大小姐在斗嘴,就是在和雪雅大小姐斗嘴的路上,但大小姐竟还落了下风。“柳心前辈,这样不好......不好......”郑邪大口大口的喘着气,并回道。只好用力攥紧他背后的衣服,直到被他像是塞麻袋一样的,塞进了车厢里
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