遗失记忆 January is forced to return home after six years traveling abroad. A near-fatal accident has left her temporarily wheelchair bound and depleted of her long-term memory. She is accompanied by her boyfriend ’Callum’ whom she met whilst traveling. He was also the driver in the fateful accident. Not only has she forgotten her family,亚洲精品在色找 but her childhood as well and is surprised to discover that her home is a stately manor in the middle of the country-side. As January tries to settle in,遗失记忆 she finds herself becoming even more estranged from her family, who just want their daughter back. The trouble is, she cannot remember who that daughter was, or why she ran away in the first place. Desperate to discover why she left all those years ago and with Callum’s help, she sets out to find the truth. They soon discover the family are not as loving as they seem to be. Was there a dark reason why she left them in the first place?在此地的绝大多数人都是这么想的,但是有些人可不这么认为。端木雅望满头黑线,没理他,忍无可忍的侧眸瞪向他的主人“你每次一出现就盯着我看是什么意思?”又想挖她眼了是不是?他可没想过要将这些事情告诉周雨,毕竟这房子可是老头子给的,如果周雨知道了这房子是自己的,那么肯定好奇自己买别墅的钱从哪来的,倒是更麻烦一些。可周小乔双眸依然紧闭着,毫无血色的唇微微张开,慌乱道“遇琛哥哥,我是乔乔,为什么你会忘了我?为什么你不愿意相信我?”
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