灰烬中被烧毁的耳朵 Flaming Ears is a pop sci-fi lesbian fantasy feature set in the year 2700 in the fictive burnt out city of Asche. It follows the tangled lives of three woman: Spy,灰烬中被烧毁的耳朵 comic book artist;糖心logo永久在线观看 Volly, a performance artist and sexed up pyromaniac; and Nun, an amoral alien with a predilection for reptiles.一身火红色蟒袍加身的方天豪红光满面,正与其余三大家族的家主相谈甚欢。“没有?”苏得遂阴恻一笑,狠狠按住她的头砸向地面,“堂堂一国公主,十万两纹银都拿不出来?说出去谁信?”直到站在民政局门口,手里捧着新鲜出炉的结婚证,我才明白对方口中的帮忙是什么意思。“红叶姨,我希望以后兰香所有的奖惩,都由我来决定。”阮烟罗声音平静,但丝毫没有商量的余地。
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