彼伯先生与美人鱼 As told to a psychiatrist Mr. Peabody,x吧有你cc middle-aged Bostonian on vacation with his wife in the Caribbean,彼伯先生与美人鱼 hears mysterious, wordless singing on an uninhabited rock in the bay. Fishing in the vicinity, he catches...a mermaid. He takes her home and, though she has no spoken language, falls in love with her. Of course, his wife won't believe that thing in the bathtub is anything but a large fish. Predictable complications follow in rather tame fashion.只是她这个娘说的话,着实让她汗颜,拿棍子往脸上抽?她一想到那个画面,忍不住噗嗤一笑。眼前之人不是颜若初,而是盛明枭的青梅且远嫁到越国的郡主谢婉姚。安毅臣也是面上挂了浅浅的笑容,不动声色的将慕以安送到身后,开口道,“今日慕总找我有些事情谈,碰巧安某今晚有晚宴,又没有女伴,便厚着脸皮邀慕总过来了。”“唉,强子,要不咱不治了吧,你爸这病是个无底洞,早晚把你和你妹妹也拖垮了。”
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