恐惧的绿洲 Most enjoyable outing from Mr Lenzi and whilst giallo-esquire is really quite a mixed bag. Starting off as a bit of a hippy drippy affair with a young uninhibited couple using their bodies and their guile to get a free holiday,特警急先锋 this turns into something much darker. There is real suspense including a splendid Hitchcockian scene in an aviary,恐惧的绿洲 lots of nudity and some pretty nasty moments. Irene Papas ( ’Zorba the Greek’ and ’Don’t Torture a Duckling’) lends considerable gravitas with her impressive performance as the mature woman with something of a problem to sort out. Ray Lovelock is appealing as the handsome young man who likes fast cars and faster women but it is the lovely 16 year old Ornella Muti who is always catching the eye. Apparently the almost too perfect nude shots are of a body double but we still get plenty of up the shorts shots as she bends obligingly forward. All three are a great asset and with a decent script and Lenzi’s constant inventiveness, this is a fine piece of exploitation cinema.男人冷冽的目光却深深锁定洛棠,他瞳孔里投影着清纯如初的她,好像一切都不太真实。苏筱暖伸手就想掀被子,却哪知,手才拎住被子一隅,忽而,手腕就被一只冰冷的大手给钳住。许随喉咙莫名酸涩,她忍着泪意“京泽,如果人真的有下一辈子,你愿意爱我一次吗?”不一会儿早饭做好,舅母侄俩正在吃饭,说话间,只见李香云正笑嘻嘻上了堂屋门口的台阶,一边往里瞧,一边笑嘻嘻的说道“二龙哥哥呀,你还在吃早饭呀?”
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