最坏的一天 Eun-hee is an actress whose acting is poor,最坏的一天 but she also plays in her real life. Her performance full of lies helps her feel she creates different personalities each time she dates separate men. Eventually a pack of her lies is tangled up and everything is about to be messed up. Ryohei,渔夫七仙女欲春2在线观看 a Japanese writer, visits Seoul for his book launch party. He often writes a story pushing characters into a corner and then makes it be a tragedy. He meets Eun-hee by chance, who is in a trouble, just like in his novels.顾凌深环视一圈,笑,“就白开水吧,不过娇娇说你厨艺不错,不知道有没有这个荣幸尝一尝。”“哈哈哈,少爷,你怎么这么猥琐啊,啊不对,少爷你怎么这么恶心啊。”陶小志摇摇头,咽了咽口水“珍珠?”陶小志道,“我看和刚出炉的烧饼差不多,你看,还热气腾腾的哩。”“我跟你讲过多少次,如果只是伺候景南我不需要你这个媳妇。”
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