苍空 At an underdeveloped area,苍空 electricians flock together. Dol-soei,特殊的美容室 an orphan electrician in the group, secretly admires Soon-ee, the daughter of the town's barman. Sadly, Soon-ee has feelings for Eun-gi, a handsome electrician. Dol-soei finally works up the courage to tell Soon-ee that he likes her but she rejects him coldly. One day, Ba-woo, a pudgy electrician with a bad-temper, lures Soon-ee to a dark alley and tries to molest her, but Dol-soei rescues her in time. Regardless of his efforts, Soon-ee is only interested in Eun-gi. Crushed, Dol-soei packs up and leaves the town without a word.李安安确定自己这次是真的会被赶出去了!也好!起码孩子们是安全的。一直守在走廊上的邵允琛立即走向病床,眉眼间的担忧和关怀看得陆瑶微微恍惚。她觉得她迟早要被他给吓死,走路都没声音,还喜欢突然就冒出一句话来。看着远去的两人,赵契嘟囔道“好歹也是这么多年的同事,傅机长也太不给面子了,程副机师你……你流鼻血了!”
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