西方 We are in 涩y8⺄avEast Berlin,西方 1978. It’s summer, three years after Wassilly’s death. Nelly’s boyfriend and Alexei’s father died in a car accident in Russia. Since he is dead, Nelly wants to leave too. Away from the GDR, to leave the grief and the memories behind. To get a fresh start. That should be possible in the West, or so Nelly believes.接下来,秦凌逛了药材店,又花了三十个金币,买了一些看起来不起眼的药材。顾南川一甩袖,重新进了寝殿,傅兰因僵硬地跪在殿前,听到殿内传来女人一阵阵令人遐想的声音。“我就不明白了,大家都是年纪轻轻就来这里工作,都是可怜之人,你为什么就是容不下我?”见已经没有回头路可走了,伊梦妮只好认了,随着‘嘎吱’一声,试衣间的门被不着不急的关上了。
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