类型: 爱情电影 吉林省 2024-10-23
主演: 未知
导演: 未知
Ansel Easton Adams (February 20,PBS.摄影大师.安塞尔.亚当斯 1902 – April 22,亚精品一卡2卡三卡4卡无卡 1984) was an American photographer and environmentalist, best known for his black-and-white photographs of the American West and primarily Yosemite National Park.For his images, he developed the zone system of photography, a way to calculate the proper exposure of a photograph. The resulting clarity and depth were characteristic of his photographs. His crystal clear images were also the result of his using the large format 810” film camera, which provided a maximum resolution, although it was among the most difficult cameras to use due to its large size, weight, set-up time, and film cost. However, it was typical of the lengths he would go to achieve his vision of perfection.He founded the Group f/64 along with fellow photographers Edward Weston and Imogen Cunningham, which was responsible for the founding of the Museum of Modern Art's department of photography. Adams' timeless and visually stunning photographs are constantly reproduced on calendars, posters, and in books, making his photographs widely recognizable. And as a result, his images are among the most significant and familiar contributions to the history of photography.
Ansel Easton Adams (February 20,PBS.摄影大师.安塞尔.亚当斯 1902 – April 22,亚精品一卡2卡三卡4卡无卡 1984) was an American photographer and environmentalist, best known for his black-and-white photographs of the American West and primarily Yosemite National Park.For his images, he developed the zone system of photography, a way to calculate the proper exposure of a photograph. The resulting clarity and depth were characteristic of his photographs. His crystal clear images were also the result of his using the large format 810” film camera, which provided a maximum resolution, although it was among the most difficult cameras to use due to its large size, weight, set-up time, and film cost. However, it was typical of the lengths he would go to achieve his vision of perfection.He founded the Group f/64 along with fellow photographers Edward Weston and Imogen Cunningham, which was responsible for the founding of the Museum of Modern Art's department of photography. Adams' timeless and visually stunning photographs are constantly reproduced on calendars, posters, and in books, making his photographs widely recognizable. And as a result, his images are among the most significant and familiar contributions to the history of photography.
“我刚才又给陈将军把了一下脉搏,这位前辈说的对,他的脉搏的确有问题,我一直以来都没能发现,这是我的疏忽,各位将军抱歉。”他对着眼前的这群人满怀着歉意的笑了笑。听着父亲的声音,贺东心里几乎都要跳出来,他很想扑上去抱住自己的父亲,但是这仅仅是一个映像。很快,许桑棠就发现不对劲,见众人跟看怪物似的盯着轮椅上的男子,就是没一个人说话,困惑道,都怎么了?哼,还真是可笑,我一定是电影看多了,游戏打太多了,昏倒都产生这样的幻想了!出院一定要把少看点重口味血腥电影,少打点暴力游戏了!Copyright © 2014-2024