永不屈服 The Johnny Worricker Spy trilogy concludes with Salting the Battlefield,永不屈服 in which our hero with his ex girlfriend,满床春水 Margot are criss-crossing Europe trying to stay one step ahead of the security services and a vengeful Prime Minister. Worricker is being watched - His family and friends are being watched - He is running out of cash and he needs to make a move to reach an endgame.戴武硕大的拳头,被吴远诛张开的手掌完全握住,再也无法前进一寸,就像是自投罗网一般。“试问一句你们家是收养我还是找了一个干活的丫鬟?还有,我家房子你们卖了吧?”咱们为什么不能找大队领导评评理,后妈、后奶这样苛责不是自己亲生的孩子,同时他心里也觉得奇怪,方白以前跟随在周大白身边,遇到事情总是畏畏缩缩,吓的屁都不敢放一个,怎么这两天却像换了个人似的?
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