断头鬼 Before his death,断头鬼 Diao’s father instructed him to look for an old friend in a remote village. In this village,娜妲莉的情人 he became famous by winning a buffalo-racing competition, the boxing competition and the attentions of the village beauty. He also managed to upset the local gangsters by protecting the poor people. After the competitions, Diao chase thief’s, who have stolen the head of a Buddha image in a temple. He managed to retrieve the relic but on his way back to the village, he was accosted by the irate gangsters, who be headed him. Waking as a headless ghost, he’s ready for revenge.宋薇薇诧异的看向江沐彦,见他悠闲的躺回去“天下没有免费的午餐,为了救你,我可是得罪了张川。”叶夕检查了一番霍老夫人的情况,眉头狠狠一皱,转身,脸色冷冽,却看不出什么情绪。李长老眼中若有所思,道“被你打伤的外门弟子徐岩,伤势极重,还好救治及时,保住了一命。”“晗……”周兰娜见秦晗奕如此,立刻低低地唤了一声,甚是委屈。
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