小丑龙卷风 The goal with CLOWNADO is to make a damned good,小丑龙卷风 scary and splatter-filled,叫大声点宝宝 nonstop roller coaster ride of a Horror movie. It's something new, fresh, original and unique but also familiar. Using only Practical Special Makeup Effects and old school styled Visual Effects, CLOWNADO has the vibe of Classic Horror movies we love. Think Evil Dead, Dead Alive, Bad Taste and Texas Chainsaw Massacre if Lucio Fulci was directing, all mixed in a swirling storm of insanity. Now add in scary supernatural Clowns and the cinematic visual style known as FILM NOIR. - intense composition with shadow and light. - and a bit of that incredible John Carpenter suspense (John was also influenced by Noir classics). - and you have an Ambitious, Over the Top Gorefest Epic!. Don't judge a book by it's cover - This is certainly no comedy.当厦芮走进宿舍楼,这个时候人已经不是很多了,一楼的都是宿管阿姨们住的,她慢悠悠的向二楼走,才走到拐角处,她清楚的听到二楼的阿姨的大嗓门说着司棠绝对是出水芙蓉,倾国倾城胜莫愁的那种,皮肤白皙娇嫩的都能掐出水来,眸光灵动惹人怜爱。枯黄的草色从她的腿蔓延至全身,星星点点,最后,只剩一片干枯的满木槿覆在红娘身侧。见到他这么不把自己放在眼里,钱俊宁立马怒了!这大半个公司谁不知道他在追求余柔柔!
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