冰山一角 A large multinational company is shaken by the suicide of three employees. The company sends a directive,writeas上层玩具(下) Sofia Cuevas,冰山一角 to conduct an internal investigation. She discovers an unhealthy work environment: a pathogenic form of management where the individual is relegated to a minor role and only priority is the bottom line. But, what are the real reasons that lead a man to suicide...果不其然,那条巨蟒原来没有注意到它脚下的几条小虫子,不过那些该死的子弹让它感到痒痒了,于是在怒吼一声之后,巨大的蛇头低头看着身下的方亚几人。“哦!”许清欢应了声,飞快的走进他指的房间里,毫不犹豫的将门反锁。话还未说完就被打断“我当阮总设计图有多新鲜,一点新意都没有,反倒极度复杂,若是按照你这样做,花费多又没有吸引人的地方,不就是花架子?”“老赵,多了也不用说,怎么回事,心里明白,说破了不好看。”
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