索命邀请函 Computer game designers Ethan (Glen Meadows) and Cole (Antonio Aguilar) take a working vacation at Paradise Sands Resort. Ethan is with his wife,索命邀请函 Sarah (Beverly Lynne) and playboy Cole is footloose and fancy free,欲望发动机 but both have sex on the brain. As Cole adds another notch to his conquest belt, Ethan pressures Sarah to fulfill one of his cherished fantasies. She agrees to a threesome with bodacious Sophie (Shauna O'Brien), but the next day Sophie turns out to be the slut who came to dinner. For starters, she lied about her relationship with sociopath Ray (Evan Kensington), a systems analyzer. It turns out that she's married to Ray, who expects a quid pro quid for borrowing his wife. Ethan refuses to steal Allegro Games' innovative design so that Ray can resell it, but Ray won't take no for an answer, turning up at Ethan's office and threatening to rape Sarah. Ethan hires a bone-breaker to intimidate Ray, who beats the crap out of the dude. Ethan hacks into Ray's criminal files and ...南初霜眼神泛着冰冷,没人知道此刻她内心真正的想法,“回去告诉南运程,我南初霜很快就会回去跟他算算总账,叫他好好活着,等着我!”蒋御晟玩味的盯着她,斜靠在墙上,刚刚洗漱过的浴袍松松垮垮的挂在身上,水珠顺着紧致的肌肉流进那看不见的地方,举手投足间带着诱惑。想着,慕战辰用力的搂紧顾棉棉,撬开了她的樱唇,加深了这个吻好,就按照皇儿的意思办。朕倒想看看是谁的胆子那么大。冷玄冥当即便同意了冷倾月的建议。
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