魔音盒 When six-year-old Sophie is tragically orphaned guardianship is assigned to her estranged aunt Annabelle. The two move into a large,蜜桃伦理 eerie,魔音盒 Victorian house where Sophie unearths a locked wooden box with a strange symbol drawn on it. Desperate to connect with her niece Annabelle pries the lock open revealing a beautiful music box. Each time the music box is wound and replayed it's surprisingly chilling melody plays slightly longer, captivating Sophie even more. When the music box begins affecting Sophie's behavior and health Annabelle seeks the aid of a child psychologist and clairvoyant who soon discover the music box is possessed by an evil spirit who seeks to haunt Sophie and destroy Annabelle. As the haunting intensifies time begins to run out and Annabelle finds herself racing against the music box's melody to defeat the spirit before the last note plays.“怎么样,我漂亮吧?”陈佩佩得意地道,掐着小腰转了一圈,她看的出来张天启的馋像了“我专门穿成这样来便宜你的,别人……哼!我挖他的眼睛!我回去换了,不能让别人饱了眼福。”“是。”韩子琳靠在枕头上,一手拿冰袋按着小腿,眼睛却看着窗外,明显心不在焉这时,一直在喝茶的老太太问道“美郁你是做了什么坏事儿?那人怎么就单单威胁你呢?”想到这里,乔忆南伸出手擦干了脸上的眼泪,她不能这样坐以待毙,不然等她被五花大绑送去南家的时候,她这辈子就逃不了了,她站起了身,看向了这间小阁楼除了门以外唯一的出口——天窗。
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