印度麦克白 Joji,印度麦克白 an engineering dropout and the youngest son of the rich plantation family lives with his aspirations of becoming a super wealthy NRI. But his father sees down on him as a proper loser. Driven by greed and blind ambition,小东西才二根手指 Joji finally decide to execute his plans following an unexpected event in the family. Will he succeed in achieving his dreams?云初月心里升起一丝警惕,飞快穿好了衣服眼神警惕的盯着门外,就看见门被重重推开。虽然谢容清不敢再来第二下,但扛着个男人,突然觉得自己像进村强抢民女的山大王,又野又飒,好不潇洒!“那里面的石门很硬,我打不碎,所以进不去,要不我带你去吧,你或许能打碎呢?”牛傲小心翼翼地说道,他对姜远的恐惧还没有消失。两个‘罪孽深重’的下人,必须给他们一点眼色瞧瞧,让他们知道得罪一个少爷的下场,哪怕他是冒牌的。
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