牵牛花 Hyun-jun,牵牛花 a musical actor,接了一个又大又长的客人 makes his mind to go abroad for further study. He returns to his hometown where he meets his cousin So-yeon. After getting a taste of the countryside with her, So-yeon makes the unexpected confession that she has loved him for a long time.哦,那应当就没咱们什么事了,黄色头发的年轻人稍微地扭头,在那之后用劲抬手摸了摸眼角溢出的眼泪,“杜墨言,五年了,我不是当年的雪薇了,你是为了邵氏回来的吧!”虞烁拿着饮料平静的说道“你没有收入,没有背景,做家庭主妇这么多年,出去也干不了什么,跟着你,太累。”四皇子和五皇子都是静贵妃所生,静贵妃是已经故去的李老将军的亲孙女,李老将军是开国元老,跟着先帝开拓疆土,打下这南楚的江山,静贵妃是功臣之后,当然也荣耀无限。
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