暗藏杀机 Childhood friends Tommy and Tuppence meet in London after having served in World War I. Recently "暗藏杀机demobed"竹马弄青梅11h咖喱乌冬梁泓, short of money, and with no job prospects, they decide to become adventurers for hire. Soon, they are employed by the British Government to locate a secret treaty signed before the war.何暮阳正要尴尬的退出去,只听王经理炸雷似的声音响了起来“你他妈的懂不懂规矩啊,进门不晓得敲门吗?你跟老子是怎么读的大学啊?老师没教你这些基本的礼貌?”云静琬摇头,“除了江三郎,江家别的主子我一个也没见着。今天一早,连院门都没出,就被高嬷嬷拉着回家了。”刚进苏家大院,苏家老爷子正在散步,看到二人上前,便走过去猛的扇了苏晴一耳光你还有脸回来,滚!等走近了,他隐约听到那男人在抱怨这附近的路怎么样怎么样难找,简直像个迷宫,有时候明明记得走了很远,最后发现还在原地转圈儿。
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