灰烬中被烧毁的耳朵 Flaming Ears is a pop sci-fi lesbian fantasy feature set in the year 2700 in the fictive burnt out city of Asche. It follows the tangled lives of three woman: Spy,灰烬中被烧毁的耳朵 comic book artist;4虎cvt4wd Volly, a performance artist and sexed up pyromaniac; and Nun, an amoral alien with a predilection for reptiles.秀芸的身子骨本来就弱,大病初愈尚未完全康复,她长长地叹了口气,这下好了。看着眼前男人还未来得及吹干的发,陆云檀压下情绪“你先去吹头发吧,免得明天头疼。”小小软软的萌手在脚上按来按去,棠风河终于回神,有些尴尬缩了缩脚凤九歌抬头,就见墨从寒俊颜冰冷的站立在她面前,声音冷漠到了极点“追来做什么,孤……”
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