恐怖的研究 When Watson reads from the newspaper there have been two similar murders near Whitechapel in a few days,嫰草嫰草嫩草嫩草嫩草嫰草嫰草嫰草嫰草嫰草嫰草的 Sherlock Holmes' sharp deductive is immediately stimulated to start its merciless method of elimination after observation of every apparently meaningless detail. He guesses right the victims must be street whores,恐怖的研究 and doesn't need long to work his way trough a pawn shop, an aristocratic family's stately home, a hospital and of course the potential suspects and (even unknowing) witnesses who are the cast of the gradually unraveled story of the murderer and his motive.任利群声音打颤,下一秒一把抓住了刘医生的白大褂,睚眦欲裂地质问道“刘医生,这是怎么回事?”何晟肖穿好衣服,瞄了一眼在床上躺尸的安纪念,她浑身上下遍布被蹂躏的青青紫紫,看起来好不可怜。江晴站在边上,一脸不屑的看着我,语气间满是鄙夷“我早跟你说过,你只是一个无能的挡箭牌,别想着能够管到我,柳公子可是我们市首屈一指的公子哥,得罪他,你也不掂量掂量自己。”靠近房门的,是一位身穿白体恤的小帅哥,清秀的五官漂亮得令人咋舌,眼睛纯澈地好似天底下最干净的泉水。
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